Help cancel poverty in our community.

It’s neighbors helping neighbors.

Your donations go help local families - especially single mothers and elderly - survive the month. It also goes towards uplifting families out of poverty permanently.


$350 micro-grant
payments to
local families so far

We are a tax-deductible 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing
relief services in Greater Danbury and CT. Tax ID/EIN: 85-3812014

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Learn about our services

  • Direct $350 micro-grants, food security and services to Muslim families in Connecticut using Islamic giving donations.





  • Assisting our partner organizations to provide relief services to families of all faiths in Connecticut with programs such as:

    Food security

    Refugee assistance

    Disaster response

    Health resources

  • Select projects to help uplift families in Connecticut by becoming self-reliant.

Words from our community members

Be Kind.
Give Back.

Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
— Muhammad Ali, Boxer