Mission &Vision
Families in need of relief in Connecticut
We predominantly help families in need
of emergency assistance in the Greater Danbury area, with a future-focus for Connecticut.
We provide high-quality relief services to uplift vulnerable local families.
Mission: Uplifting families
We work to relieve poverty in our local communities by providing micro-grants and logistical relief assistance that improves the welfare, social well-being and self-reliance of families.
Vision: Circle of giving
To be the leading provider of high-quality relief services to families in Connecticut and instill a spirit of giving in the families that we help.
Our Core Services
Islamic relief giving and relief services
Direct $350 micro-grants, food security and services to Muslim families in Connecticut with Islamic giving donations.
Local humanitarian relief services
Collaborating with partner organizations to provide relief services to families of all faiths in Connecticut. Assisting our partners to provide services such as:
Food security
Refugee assistance
Disaster response
Health resources
Uplifting families out of poverty
Select projects to help uplift families in Connecticut by becoming self-sustainable.
In addition to our core services, we occasionally coordinate a select number of community events with partners to encourage community bonding and enhance social causes.

Our History
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in
Connecticut, USA. Tax ID/EIN: 85-3812014
We came together in April 2020 (Ramadan 1441 AH) at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown to raise money for families in need in our local Greater Danbury area. We found out that many families needed help with buying food and paying rent and bills.
By the grace of God, we raised thousands of dollars for this purpose, and with the help of partners, we gave out dozens of payments in the first months to families in need in Greater Danbury.
After Ramadan, we realized that families still needed a lot of help so we continued to give out micro-grants each month. We also decided to form a 501(c)(3) organization in order to help families in need on an on-going basis.
Our Values
“The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to people.
The most beloved deed to Allah is to make a Muslim happy, or to remove one of his troubles,
or to forgive his debt, or to feed his hunger. That I walk with a brother regarding a need is more
beloved to me than that I seclude myself in this mosque in Medina for a month….”
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)Source / al-Muʻjam al-Awsaṭ 6192
Every dollar we receive is considered a sacred trust (“amana”). We work diligently to ensure that the funds that are entrusted to us reach the people who are the most in need in our community.
Compassion and empathy are core values of our organization. We give from our hearts without asking for anything in return.
Our motto is “Be Kind. Give Back.” We work hard everyday to live our motto and please God with acts of kindness and giving.
Our faith encourages social justice and our organization exists to distribute wealth and opportunities to underserved families in need.
We strive to provide our beneficiaries, partners and volunteers a high-quality experience when interacting with our organization.
The work we do is a trust (“amana”) from God. We trace every donated dollar until it reaches the needy family, and update our donors with where their money has been spent.